Verdigre Public School

Sign up to donate on Sept. 18th in the Verdigre Gym from 9am-3pm

Sponsored by:

 Verdigre National Honor Society

Receive a $15 e-gift card with your donation

Contact any NHS member or 

Crystal Sandman at 668-2275

Find your time online at

You can order your fall memory mates and buttons now. Order online today, or fill out the forms sent home with your student athlete and get it back to either Verdigre or Niobrara Public School

*** PLEASE NOTE: We will not be putting your order together until payment is received at Niobrara or Verdigre *** 

Students and Parents:  This is an option for free online tutoring for K-12 students!!  More information can be found by visiting

Verdigre Teammates

The Verdigre Teammates Chapter is open. Mentors and mentees are meeting weekly. 

Triennial Assessment Results accessed here